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Zhermack Acrytemp

Brand: Zhermack

  • Temporary crowns and bridges, inlays, onlays and veneers.

$74.99 $110.30

Acrytemp is a bisacrylic self-curing resin for the fast preparation of short and long-term provisional elements.

Acrytemp can be used with different working techniques, both for direct and indirect method.
It is practical to use, thanks to the self-mixing system, easy to trim and polish, with a high fracture resistance. Its particular formulation is without methyl methacrylate monomer and allows to maintain low temperatures during the setting reaction that does not irritate the pulp. Acrytemp is available in 5 shades and offers a natural aesthetic eff ect that reproduces the colour of teeth, to meet the needs of the patients and of the dentist.

SKU: ZMK100 Categories: ,

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