We are delivering all over India, but the deliveries might be delayed due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Thank you for supporting us in such tough times.

Terms and Conditions

This Agreement was last modified on 18 February 2016.

  1. Dentalstall.com maintains whatever authority is needed to make changes to this site and its terms and conditions whenever without prior notification.
  2. All costs and exchanges are handled in respective currencies referenced on the site.
  3. Title to the merchandise remains with dentalstall.com until you have paid for them. The title will go to you once the products are covered and any installments have been cleared by any important financial procedure. Requests made by you for items on this site are not official on dentalstall.com until acknowledged by us.
  4. Dentalstall.com saves the privilege not to permit changes to any request after it has acknowledged that request.
  5. Dentalstall.com won’t acknowledge obligation for the disappointment of administration by your network access supplier or some other outsider specialist co-op.
  6. Every sensible endeavor will be made to guarantee that data on this site is precise, yet makes no confirmations with regard to the exactness of the data. Dentalstall.com acknowledges no risk for any mistakes or oversights contained on this site.