Avue PPE Kit...
Personal protection equipment kit 50 gsm
Avue Xpress SD Self Developin...
Self Developing X-Ray Films , no developing & fixing solution required separately
Maarc Calahyd-Rc...
Premixed Calcium Hydroxide Paste
Maarc Casting Wax Sheets...
Casting Wax
Maarc CeraSeal-B Sealer...
MTA based root canal sealer
MAARC Cold Cure Monomer ̵...
MAARC Cold Cure Liquid for Denture Base Material
MAARC Cold Cure Monomer ̵...
MAARC Cold Cure Liquid for Denture Base Material
Maarc Die Hardner...
Die Hardner For Hardening Die Stone Plaster
Maarc Die Spacer...
Die Spacer to provide space for the luting agent between the prepared tooth and casting
Maarc Die Thinner...
Thinner to control thickness and restores Spacer to original consistency
MAARC Heat Cure Lab Pack R...
Heat Cure Powder & Liquid for Denture Base Material
MAARC Heat Cure Monomer ̵...
Heat Cure Monomer for Denture Base Material
Maarc Mercury...
Mercury used to bind amalgam alloy particles together into a strong and durable restoration
Maarc Pattern Wax...
Wax To Produce Patterns For Metal Casting
Maarc Plaque – D...
Plaque Disclosing Gel made of special dye which stains plaque
Maarc R2 Ceramic Alloy...
Maarc Sealmax-R...
Resin Based Root Canal Sealer
Maarc Spacer Wax...
Spacer Wax to provide space in the tray for impression material during secondary impression
Maarc Sticky Wax...
Sticky wax to hold two fractured pieces of denture together for repairing
Maarc Wire Wax...
Wire Wax/Sprue Wax
Medicept Accucem...
Automix Non-eugenol temporary cement for temporary cementing of provisional crowns and bridges
Medicept Dental Self Post...
Glass Fiber Post