Marathon Brushless Micromotor...
Marathon Brushless Control Box with Brushless Micromotor
Marathon Endo E Class Endo Mo...
Endomotor With Auto Stop Reverse Function
Marathon Implant Handpiece 20...
Implant handpiece with a gear head ratio of 20:1
Marathon M3 Champion Micro Mo...
M3 Champion-Clinical Micromotor
Marathon Straight Handpiece(C...
Runyes Intraoral Sensor And P...
Intraoral Sensor And High-Frequency Portable DC X-Ray Machine
Scheu Imprelon S Pd 10/Pk...
OSAMU-Retainer, miniplast splints, retention splints
Starting at: ₹3900.00 -
Unident Matrix Strips...
A band that adapts to the surface of the tooth to be restored.
₹175.00 -
Woodpecker Dpex III Gold + Ma...
Apex Locator + Endomotor