Marathon Brushless Micromotor...
Marathon Brushless Control Box with Brushless Micromotor
Marathon Endo E Class Endo Mo...
Endomotor With Auto Stop Reverse Function
Marathon Implant Handpiece 20...
Implant handpiece with a gear head ratio of 20:1
Marathon M3 Champion Micro Mo...
M3 Champion-Clinical Micromotor
Marathon Straight Handpiece(C...
Medicept Accucem...
Automix Non-eugenol temporary cement for temporary cementing of provisional crowns and bridges
Medicept Dental Self Post...
Glass Fiber Post
Medicept Dental Xtracem P (Po...
Glass Ionomer Posterior Restorative Cement
Medicept Extreme Putty And Li...
A-Silicone Impression System
Medicept Interdental Brushes(...
Protec Interdental Brush Removes The Impurities
Medicept Xtracem...
Glass Ionomer Restorative Cement
Medicept Xtralute...
Radiopaque Glass Ionomer Luting Cement
NeoEndo Flex Rotary Files 21m...
Rotary Files
NeoEndo Flex Rotary Files 25m...
Rotary Files
NeoEndo NeoBlue Rotary Files ...
Blue heat treated, triangular cross-section rotary file
Unident Matrix Strips...
A band that adapts to the surface of the tooth to be restored.
₹175.00 -
Woodpecker Dpex III Gold + Ma...
Apex Locator + Endomotor