Hahnenkratt Contec Blanco Fib...
Fiber Post with High bending strength.
Hahnenkratt Contec Blanco Fib...
High Quality , cost effective and uniquely designed.
₹1850.00 -
Hahnenkratt Contec Blanco Fib...
High Tenacity Glass Fibre Posts Having Micro Retentive Surface With Matching Drills
NeoEndo Flex Rotary Files 21m...
Rotary Files
NeoEndo Flex Rotary Files 25m...
Rotary Files
NeoEndo NeoBlue Rotary Files ...
Blue heat treated, triangular cross-section rotary file
Unident Matrix Strips...
A band that adapts to the surface of the tooth to be restored.
₹175.00 -
Vita Classical Shade Guide...
Shade Guide (accurate tooth colour determination)