Cleaning And Shaping
Neoendo Finishing Files...
Finishing File
Neoendo Flex Glide Rotary Fil...
Rotary Files
Neoendo Neohybrid Rotary File...
Rotary Files
Neoendo Neohybrid Rotary File...
Rotary Files
Neoendo Neoprobe Files...
Canal Probe File for Calcified Canals
Neoendo Retreatment Files...
Retreatment File
Eighteeth Medical Ultra X-Ult...
- Ultrasonic Activator
Waldent Premium Taper Gold Ro...
- Progressive taper Gold Rotary Files
- 350% more resistant to cyclic fatigue
- Super – flexible gold alloy
Waldent Pro-Taper Hand files...
- Ni-Ti protaper hand files (Pack of 6 files)
- Triangular Cross-Section
- Autoclavable
Waldent Smart EndoPro with in...
- Cordless Design Endo Motor With Built-In Apex Locator
- 360° Adjustable Contra-Angle.
- Built-in over 15 mainstream file system.
Waldent Wal-flex Gold Rotary ...
- Super Flexible Gold alloy Rotary Files
- Controlled memory files.