GDC Dentulous Perforated Impr...
GDC Edentulous Non-Perforated...
GDC Edentulous Perforated Imp...
Gdc Impression Trays Dentulou...
Dentulous Non-Perforated Impression Trays
Gdc Impression Trays Edentulo...
Edentulous Non-Perforated Impression Trays
GDC Impression Trays Edentulo...
Perforated Edentulous Impression Trays S/8 Instruments Kit For Taking The Impression
GDC Impression Trays Half Lef...
GDC Putty Cutting Knife...
Used for scrapping putty impression.
Marathon M4 Lab Micro Motor...
Lab Micromotor For Cutting, Grinding And Polishing.
TDV Resinlay Pattern Photo Ge...
- Light-curing acrylic resin in gel for casting and carving patterns.
- Light cured universal modelling acrylic resin in gel.
Dpi Green Stick...
- Tracing Sticks
Dpi Impression Paste...
- Zinc Oxide Eugenol Impression Paste
Dpi Model Cement...
- Sticky Wax
Dpi Photosil Soft Putty &...
- Soft Putty and Light Body
DPI Pinnacle Impression Compo...
- Primary Impression Compound
Dpi RR Cold Cure...
- Denture Base Material
Dpi Selfcure Tooth Moulding P...
- Tooth Moulding Powder
GDC Automatic # Premium Crown...
- ProsthoInstrument
GDC Automatic Crown Remover S...
- Crown Remover (Automatic)
GDC Temporary Crown Removing ...
- Temporary Crown Removing Plier