TDV Resinlay Pattern Photo Ge...
- Light-curing acrylic resin in gel for casting and carving patterns.
- Light cured universal modelling acrylic resin in gel.
Upcera Dental Zirconia Blanks...
Super-translucent, yttrium oxide stabilized, tetragonal ZrO₂ blanks
Dpi Green Stick...
- Tracing Sticks
Dpi Impression Paste...
- Zinc Oxide Eugenol Impression Paste
Dpi Model Cement...
- Sticky Wax
Dpi Photosil Soft Putty &...
- Soft Putty and Light Body
DPI Pinnacle Impression Compo...
- Primary Impression Compound
Dpi RR Cold Cure...
- Denture Base Material
Dpi Selfcure Tooth Moulding P...
- Tooth Moulding Powder
Ultradent Ultrapak Cord...
- Knitted Cord For Tissue Displacement
Ultradent Uveneer Kit...
- Direct Composite Template System