GDC Dentulous Perforated Impr...
GDC Edentulous Non-Perforated...
GDC Edentulous Perforated Imp...
Gdc Impression Trays Dentulou...
Dentulous Non-Perforated Impression Trays
Gdc Impression Trays Edentulo...
Edentulous Non-Perforated Impression Trays
GDC Impression Trays Edentulo...
Perforated Edentulous Impression Trays S/8 Instruments Kit For Taking The Impression
GDC Impression Trays Half Lef...
GDC Putty Cutting Knife...
Used for scrapping putty impression.
Upcera Dental Zirconia Blanks...
Super-translucent, yttrium oxide stabilized, tetragonal ZrO₂ blanks
Zhermack Hydrorise Putty &...
Hydrophilic addition silicone (vinyl polysiloxane) for high-precision impression
Dpi Green Stick...
- Tracing Sticks
Dpi Impression Paste...
- Zinc Oxide Eugenol Impression Paste
Dpi Model Cement...
- Sticky Wax
Dpi Photosil Soft Putty &...
- Soft Putty and Light Body
DPI Pinnacle Impression Compo...
- Primary Impression Compound
Dpi RR Cold Cure...
- Denture Base Material
Dpi Selfcure Tooth Moulding P...
- Tooth Moulding Powder
GDC Automatic # Premium Crown...
- ProsthoInstrument
GDC Automatic Crown Remover S...
- Crown Remover (Automatic)
GDC Temporary Crown Removing ...
- Temporary Crown Removing Plier
Zhermack Acrytemp...
- Temporary crowns and bridges, inlays, onlays and veneers.
Zhermack Elite HD+ Soft Fast ...
- Very high viscosity A-Silicone impression material
Zhermack Elite Rock...
- Type 4 Extra Hard Dental Die Stone (Silver Grey)