Ultradent Opalustre

  • Chemical and Mechanical Abrasion Slurry


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Brand warranty

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upto 7 days returnable

Long expiry



Ideal for removing superficial white and brown decalcification stains due to enamel mottling from fluorosis, Opalustre is a 6.6% hydrochloric acid slurry that contains silicon carbide microparticles.1 This combination provides chemical stain removal along with gentle mechanical abrasion. OpalCups latch-type bristle polishing cups are used with the Opalustre for micropolishing the newly treated enamel surface. Both types of OpalCups are autoclavable through a limited number of cycles.
  • One-appointment results
  • Removes superficial white and brown stains
  • Provides minimally invasive treatment for fluorosis
  • Hydrochloric acid aids in chemical stain removal
  • Silicon carbide microparticles provide gentle mechanical abrasion
  • Less than 0.2mm enamel removal
  • Comes in a direct delivery for an easy and mess-free technique
  • Autoclavable OpalCups minimize splatter
  • Unique offering is a “practice building” product
  • Opalustre is gluten free and kosher certifieD



  • For correction of superficial (<0.2mm depth) white, brown, or multicolored enamel defects, including fluorosis discoloration, that have not responded to regular take-home bleaching products.
  • Use Opalustre and OpalCups to quickly remove unsightly enamel decalcification defects that are less than 0.2mm in depth. Abrasion slurries are ideal for superficial white and brown demineralization due to enamel mottling from fluorosis.2  This treatment can be classified under ADA insurance code 9970: enamel microabrasion.


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Weight 1 kg



Ultradent Opalustre Kit (554):

  • 4 x 1.2ml Opalustre syringes
  • 10 x OpalCups bristle
  • 10 x OpalCups finishing
  • 20 x White Mac tips

Ultradent Opalustre Refill 4 Pk (555):

  • 4 x 1.2ml Opalustre syringes

Ultradent Opalustre Refill 2 Pk (5554):

  • 2 x 1.2ml Opalustre syringes

Ultradent Opalustre 1 x 1.2ml Syringe:

  • 1 x 1.2ml Opalustre syringes

Directions to use

Directions to use


 Applying Opalustre Using a Rubber Dam

STEP 1: Before application.

STEP 2: After rubber dam placement, apply Opalustre from syringe to discolored enamel.

STEP 3 : ​Use bristle cup to compress Opalustre on tooth surface. Intermittent rinsing and inspection is recommended.

STEP 4 : ​After enamel microabrasion and 21 days of whitening with Opalescence.



What is Opalustre?

  • ​Opalustre is a chemical and mechanical abrasion slurry, used for the correction of white, brown, or multicolored enamel defects, including fluorosis discoloration.

How does Opalustre work?

  • ​To remove enamel discoloration, simply apply the abrasion mixture to the teeth and slowly buff away discoloration using medium to heavy pressure.

How long does the Opalustre procedure take?

  • ​This is a one-visit procedure. You’ll notice a difference with the first application and rinse. Opalustre can be reapplied as necessary to achieve the desired results. We recommend a fluoride treatment immediately following the Opalustre procedure.

Do I have to use the OpalCups when using Opalustre?

  • ​OpalCups finishing cups are highly recommended when using Opalustre. The autoclavable, latch-type bristle polishing cups help facilitate a more aggressive action and minimize splatter when used with the Opalustre microabrasion technique.

Can I give my patient whitening treatments in addition to the Opalustre procedure?

  • ​Yes! Take-home whitening treatments are a great complement to the Opalustre treatment to help further blend and whiten teeth. If desired, in-office treatments can also be performed before or after the appointment.

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Ultradent Opalustre

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