API Crown Remover Kit...
Automatic Crown Remover Instruments Kit.
Starting at: ₹2000.00 -
API Dappen Dish/Cup...
Silicone dappen dish.
API Dental Micromotor Complet...
Clinical Type Micromotor
API Dental Syringe...
Metal Dental Syringes For Administering Local Anaesthesia
Starting at: ₹1050.00 -
API Dental Utility Tray...
Easily Adjustable With Contoured Edges Shelf Tray For Dental Chair
API Diamond Burs – LG S...
Cool Cut FG Diamond Burs For Tooth Preparation
API Diamond Burs – Spec...
Barrel, pear and needle shaped FG diamond burs for airotors
API Diamond Burs -TH Series...
Bulk Reducer Diamond Burs
Api Double End Probes Unc 15 ...
Used to assess periodontal packet depths, attachment levels, anatomy configurations, and gingival bleeding.
API Elevators Crossbar...
- Winter Crossbar Elevator for removal of mandibular molar roots and impacted mandibular third molars
API Enamel Hatchet...
Enamel Hatchet For Removing Undermined Lips Of Tooth Structure On The Proximal Walls
API Excavator Hollow...
Hollow Excavator To Remove Dental Caries.
API Explorer CP 11-A1736...
Dual Sided – Probe And Explorer – #23 Explorer On One End And Color Coded Probe On The Other
Api Extraction Forceps...
Upper and lower extraction forceps made of high-grade stainless steel used to extract the teeth
API Gingival Margin Trimmer...
Double ended GMT to cut enamel and create the axiopulpal bevel on class II cavity preparation
API Gracey Curettes Hollow...
Gracey Curettes used for scaling & root planing in subgingival surfaces
API Implantology Calipers...
Implantology Calipers
API Impression Trays Half...
Impression Trays
API Impression Trays Perforat...
Autoclavable stainless steel, perforated & non-perforated rim lock impression trays for dentulous and edentulous ridges
API Instruments Sterlization ...
Instruments Sterlization Cassette.
Api Jaw Set And Teeth B-561...
High Quality Plastic Api Jaw Set And Teeth
API Jaw Set with Typodonts...
Jaw set with screw-in typodonts and without articulator
API Lab Base Formers Kit...
API Lab Base Former Kit is used to make diagnostic casts and it very easily separated from the stone models.