Api Periosteal Elevator Molt-...
Double – Ended Mucoperiosteum Elevator
API Premium Composite Instrum...
Composite Filling Instruments With Ergonomically Designed Premium Handle
API Excavator Hollow...
Hollow Excavator To Remove Dental Caries.
Api Micro Tissue Forcep Geral...
Micro Tissue Forcep Gerald Blue Used To Facilitate Grasping, Manipulation, Or Joining Of Tissue.
API Gracey Curettes Hollow...
Gracey Curettes used for scaling & root planing in subgingival surfaces
Api Extraction Forceps...
Upper and lower extraction forceps made of high-grade stainless steel used to extract the teeth
API Chisels...
Single sharp pointed tip enamel chisel used for scrapping and splitting undermined enamel
API PMT Set...
Diagnostic Kit Containing Mouth Mirror with Handle, Tweezer, Probe (Double Ended / Single-Ended )
API Dental Syringe...
Metal Dental Syringes For Administering Local Anaesthesia
Starting at: ₹1050.00 -
API Amalgam Carrier...
Amalgam Carrier to transport and place amalgam during restoration
API BP Handle...
Scalpel Handles are used in conjunction with BP blades for cutting tissues.
API Crown Remover Kit...
Automatic Crown Remover Instruments Kit.
Starting at: ₹2000.00 -
API Metallic Cheek Retractor...
Metallic Cheek Retractor
API Mouth Gags...
Mouth Gag to improve visibility and surgical access by keeping mouth open during oral & maxillofacial surgeries
Starting at: ₹2520.00 -
API Periosteal Elevators...
Periosteal Elevators
API Mouth Mirror Tops...
Mouth Mirror Tops
API Suture Forceps...
Corn Suture Tweezers with loop to stabilize soft tissues during suturing
API Tweezer...
API Periodontal Probes...
Periodontal Probes
API Tissue Forceps...
API Tissue Forceps used during Minor Oral Surgeries
API Orthodontic Pliers...
Orthodontic Pliers
API Needle Holder Straight...
Straight Needle Holders to hold suturing needles for wound closure